Sažetak | Budući da mikroorganizmi imaju ključnu ulogu u razgradnji organskih tvari u kompostu, bez kojih sam proces ne bi bio moguć, u radu je opisano koji su to organizmi i koja je njihova uloga. Najvažniji i najzastupljeniji mikroorganizmi su bakterije, aktinomicete i gljive koji imaju glavnu ulogu zbog toga što razgrađuju organske tvari na jednostavnije spojeve. Sa mikrobiološkog gledišta sam proces kompostiranja se sastoji od nekoliko faza i u svakoj fazi dominiraju određene skupine mikroorganizama. Prva faza je psihrofilna faza, te u njoj dominiraju psihrofilne bakterije. Kada temperatura naraste, počinju dominirati mezofilne bakterije, te sukladno s tim počinje i mezofilna faza. Poslije mezofilne faze, slijedi termofilna ili aktivna faza u kojoj dominiraju termofilni organizmi, poput bakterija vrsta Bacillus, aktinomiceta i gljiva. U ovoj fazi se većina organske tvari pretvara u humus. Zatim slijedi faza hlađenja u kojoj se ponovno pojavljuju mezofilni organizmi i na kraju dolazi do faze zrenja u kojoj potpuno nastaje humus što znači da je i sam proces kompostiranja završen. Proces kompostiranja se može ubrzati primjenom korisnih mikroorganizama koji potiču razgradnju organske tvari, sprječavaju proces truljenja i nastajanje neugodnih mirisa, omogućuju pristup kisiku u kompostnoj hrpi, te kao rezultat dobijemo kompost visoke kvalitete. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Since microorganisms play a key role in the decomposition of organic substances in compost, without which the process itself would not be possible, the paper describes which organisms they are and what their role is. The most important and represented microorganisms are bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi, which play a major role in breaking down organic substances into simpler compounds. From a microbiological perspective, the composting process consists of several phases, with specific groups of microorganisms dominating each phase. From a microbiological perspective, the composting process itself consists of several phases, and in each phase certain groups of microorganisms dominate. The first phase is the psychrophilic phase, dominated by psychrophilic bacteria. When the temperature rises, mesophilic bacteria begin to dominate, and accordingly the mesophilic phase begins. Following the mesophilic phase, there is the thermophilic or active phase, in which thermophilic organisms such as Bacillus bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi dominate. In this phase, most of the organic matter is transformed into humus. Next comes the cooling phase, where mesophilic organisms reappear, and finally, there is the maturation phase, during which humus is completely formed, which means that the composting process itself is finished. The composting process can be accelerated by using beneficial microorganisms that promote the decomposition of organic matter, prevent the process of decay and the formation of unpleasant odors, enable access to oxygen in the compost pile, and as a result we get high quality compost. |