Sažetak | Ementaler, poznatiji kao kralj sireva potječe iz Švicarske, a ime je dobio po dolini rijeke Emme u kantonu Bern. Postoji dokaz da se Ementaler poizvodio već u 13. stoljeću. Ementaler pripada tvrdomasnim sirevima, koji je tradicionalno proizveden od sirovog mlijeka, no u novije vrijeme za obradu mlijeka u svrhu osiguranja mikrobiološke ispravnosti primjenjuju se baktofugacija, mikrofiltracija i termalizacija. Prepoznatljiv je po svojim šupljinama promjera 1 do 3 cm, gorko-slatkastom okusu, te karakterističnom obliku mlinskog kamena, koji ima prosječnu težinu između 65 i 130 kg. Sirno tijesto ementalera svijetložute je do svijetlo-rumene boje, dok mu je kora čvrsta, suha i slamnato rumena. Zrije 2 do 18 mjeseci, a prilikom proizvodnje koriste se sojevi vrste Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus i Propionibacterium, te nastaje plin koji je odgovoran za već spomenute karakteristične šupljine i gorko-slatkasto aromu. U Švicarskoj se proizvodi još uvijek na tradicionalan način od sirovog kravljeg mlijeka što daje proizvod vrhunske kakvoće. U današnje vrijeme se prilikom obrade gruša umjesto ručnog miješanja koriste različite miješalice u kadama za sirenje. Kontinuiranu proizvodnju bez zastoja omogućavaju predpreše i kontinuirane preše za prešanje, dok je kalupljenje mehanizirano. Od svih poznatih svjetskih sireva ementalski sir iziskuje mlijeko najbolje kakvoće, te kao takav ementaler nosi oznaku AOC, te na sebi ima otisnut broj farme na kojoj je proizveden. Švicarski ementaler zaštićen je oznakom izvornosti od 2000. godine i jedan je od najrasprostranjenijih europskih i najvećih sireva koji se proizvodi bilo gdje u svijetu. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Emmentaler, better known as the king of cheeses, originates from Switzerland and was named after the valley of the river Emma in the canton of Bern. There is evidence that Emmentaler was produced as early as the 13 th century. Emmentaler belongs to the family of hard cheeses, which are traditionally produced from raw milk, but in recent years, bactofugation, microfiltration and thermalization are used for the processing of milk in order to ensure microbiological safety. It’s recognizable by its cavities with a diameter of 1 to 3 cm, bitter-sweet taste and the characteristic shape of the millstone, with an average weight between 65 and 130 kg. Emmentaler cheese dough is light yellow to light pink in color, while its crust is firm, dry and light orange to light red in color. It matures for 2 to 18 months, and during production, strains of the species Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus and Propionibacterium are used. A gas is then formed which is responsible for the already mentioned characteristic cavities and bitter-sweet aroma. In Switzerland, it is still produced traditionally from raw cow's milk, which gives a very high quality product. Nowadays, when mixing curds, instead of manual mixing, different mixers are used in cheese tubs. Continuous production without downtime is enabled by pre-presses and continuous presses for pressing, while molding is mechanized. Of all the world-famous cheeses, Emmental cheese requires the best quality milk, and as such, Emmentaler bears the AOC mark as well as the number of the farm on which it was produced. The Swiss Emmentaler has been protected by the designation of origin since the year 2000 and is one of the most widespread European and largest cheeses produced anywhere in the world. |