Abstract | Glikemijski indeks (GI) određene količine i vrste ugljikohidrata utječe na brzinu promjene koncentracije glukoze u krvi (GUK), odnosno metabolizam glukoze. Konzumacija ugljikohidrata sa različitim GI prije, tijekom i nakon treninga utječe na sportsku izvedbu, a preferira se hrana visokog GI. Provedeno je kontrolirano kliničko istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja GI dva komercijalno dostupna pripravka za oporavak nakon treninga, a prema metodi ISO 26 642:2010. Test uzorak 1 je imao statistički značajno najnižu hedonističku ocjenu (4,0 ± 1,7) i subjektivni osjećaj sitosti (50,5 ± 3,6), a kontrolni uzorak najviše (2,0 odnosno 64,8 ± 9,0). Statistički značajno višu koncentraciju GUK imala su oba test uzorka u usporedbi sa kontrolom. Površina ispod krivulje (iAUC) je statistički značajno najveća za test uzorak 1 (255,9 ± 50,7), u usporedbi s kontrolom (78,9 ± 8,0) i test uzorkom 2 (127,3 ± 12,6). GI test uzorka 1 je značajno viši u odnosu na test uzorak 2 (317,9 ± 122,4 naprema 161,6 ± 14,6, p = 0,022). Oba uzorka spadaju u kategoriju visokog GI, što je u skladu s njihovom namjenom. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na razlike u mehanizmu djelovanja na metabolizam glukoze koje unatoč istoj klasifikaciji od strane proizvođača vjerojatno proizlaze iz formulacije proizvoda (nutritivnog sastava). |
Abstract (english) | Glycaemic index (GI) of a certain quantity and type of carbohydrate affects the rate of change of glucose concentration or glucose metabolism in blood. Consumption of carbohydrates with different GI before, during and after exercise affects the athletic performance and food with a high GI is preferred. A controlled clinical trial was conducted to determine the GI of two commercially available preparations for recovery after training, according to the method of ISO 26 642:2010. Test sample 1 had significantly the lower hedonic score (4.0 ± 1.7) and a subjective feeling of satiety (50.5 ± 3.6), while the control sample had the higher hedonic score (2.0 or 64.8 ± 9.0). A significantly higher concentration of glucose had both test samples as compared to the control. The area under the curve (iAUC) is significantly the highest in the test sample 1 (255.9 ± 50.7), compared to the control (78.9 ± 8.0) and the test sample 2 (127.3 ± 12.6). GI of the test sample 1 is significantly higher than the one in the test sample 2 (317.9 ± 122.4 versus 161.6 ± 14.6, p = 0.022). Both samples belong into the category of high GI, which is in accordance with their intended purpose. The results indicate differences in the mechanism of influence on glucose metabolism, which are probably a result from product formulations (nutritional composition), despite of the same classification by the manufacturer. |