Abstract | Trudnoća predstavlja kritični prozor za rast i razvoj djeteta tijekom odrastanja. Analizirano je 28 parova majka-dijete (kohortna studija) s ciljem utvrđivanja uloge trudnoće i prehrane tijekom trudnoće na stanje uhranjenosti djeteta u dobi od 7 godina. Majke su regrutirane u prvom tromjesečju trudnoće i praćene kroz cijelu trudnoću i 6 tjedana post partum. Antropometrijska mjerenja djece su provedena u sklopu sistematskog pregleda za polazak u školu. Viši dobitak na masi u trudnoći povezan je s višom masom djeteta u dobi od 7 godina (r=0,393, p=0,038), a viša masa majke prije poroda (r=0,381, p=0,045) i dulja gestacija (r=0,402, p=0,034) su povezani s višim kardiometaboličkim rizikom (CMR) djeteta. Djeca majki koje su za vrijeme trudnoće unosile više monosaharida imaju viši BMI (r=0,464, p=0,013) i viši opseg struka (r=0,511, p=0,005). Također je utvrđeno kako je viši unos ukupnih ugljikohidrata (r=0,400, p=0,035) i monosaharida (r=0,503, p=0,006) kod majke za vrijeme trudnoće povezan s većom konzumacijom žitarica kod djeteta. Upravo veća konzumacija žitarica djeteta korelira s višim opsegom struka (r=0,477, p=0,010) i višim CMR-om (r=0,460, p=0,014). Iako na malom broju parova majka-dijete, rezultati nedvojbeno potvrđuju kako određene karakteristike trudnoće, ishod poroda i prehrana u trudnoći igraju važnu ulogu u zdravlju djeteta u dobi od 7 godina. Potrebno je intenzivirati edukaciju kako bi se povećala svijest o tome da je zdrava trudnoća zdravo dijete. |
Abstract (english) | Pregnancy represents the critical window in child's development. 28 pairs mother-child (cohort study) were analysed to determine the impact of pregnancy and nutrition during pregnancy on child's state of nourishment at the age of 7. Mothers were recruited in the 1st trimester, followed throughout pregnancy and 6 weeks post partum. Children's anthropometry was taken during medical examination for the first grade entry. Higher weight gain during pregnancy correlates with higher weight of a child at the age of 7 (r=0.393, p=0.038), and higher weight prior delivery (r=0.381, p=0.045) and longer gestation (r=0.402, p=0.034) correlate with higher cardiometabolic risk (CMR) in child. Higher consumption of monosaccharides during pregnancy correlates with higher Body Mass Index (r=0.464, p=0.013) and higher waist circumference (r=0.511, p=0.005) in child. Also, higher consumption of total carbohydrates (r=0.400, p=0.035) and monosaccharides (r=0.503, p=0.006) during pregnancy correlate with child's higher consumption of cereals, which correlates with higher waist circumference (r=0.477, p=0.010) and higher CMR (r=0.460, p=0.014). Despite small-scale of the study, the results clearly confirm the importance of certain characteristics and outcomes of pregnancy, and diet during pregnancy in child's health at the age of 7. Educational activities need to be intensified to raise awareness that a healthy pregnancy is a healthy child. |