Sažetak | Celijakija ili glutenska enteropatija je kronična bolest karakterizirana nepodnošenjem bjelančevine glutena. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi pridržavaju li se oboljeli od celijakije bezglutenske prehrane. Anketa ju ispunio 81 ispitanik (6,2 % muškaraca i 93,8 % žena) u dobi od 36,1 ± 12,6 godina. Ukupno 83,5 % ispitanika ima dijagnozu celijakije, 11,4 % ima osjetljivost na gluten koji nije celijakija a njih 5,1 % nije sigurno koju dijagnozu imaju. Najčešći simptom koji je prethodio dijagnozi bila je dijareja (47,5 %), zatim nespecifični simptomi (20 %) te sideropenična anemija (12,5 %). Prehrana je jedini učinkoviti način liječenja celijakije, no ipak se 35,5 % ispitanika ne slaže s tim kako je prehrana dovoljna. Edukaciju o prehrani je prošlo ukupno 56,3 % ispitanika, 27,5 % se educira preko interneta, dva ispitanika (2,5 %) vodi nutricionist/dijetetičar a 13,8 % navodi kako nisu educirani o prehrani. Unatoč pridržavanju bezglutenskoj prehrani simptomi su se nastavili kod 20,5 % ispitanika. U proteklih mjesec dana 16,0 % ispitanika je namjerno konzumiralo hranu koja sadrži gluten, kao i ispitanici koji se uopće ne pridržavaju bezglutenske prehrane izvan doma. Moguća kontaminacija hrane izvan doma ne zabrinjava 33,3 % ispitanika, dok 68,8 % ispitanika navodi kako im je slučajna izloženost glutenu vrlo važna. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Celiac disease or gluten enteropathy is a chronic disease characterized by gluten intolerance. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether patients with celiac disease adhere to a gluten-free diet. The survey was completed by 81 respondents (6.2 % men and 93.8 % women) aged 36.1 ± 12.6 years. A total of 83.5 % of respondents have a diagnosis of celiac disease, 11.4 % have a sensitivity to gluten that is not celiac disease, and 5.1 % of them are not sure which diagnosis they have. The most common symptom preceding the diagnosis was diarrhoea (47.5 %), followed by non-specific symptoms (20 %) and sideropenic anemia (12.5 %). Diet is the only effective way of treating celiac disease, but still 35.5 % of the respondents do not agree that only diet is sufficient. A total of 56.3 % of the respondents were education about nutrition, 27.5 % educate themselves via the Internet, two respondents (2.5 %) are guided by a nutritionist/dietitian, and 13.8 % state that they have not been educated about nutrition. Despite adherence to a gluten-free diet, symptoms persisted in 20.5 % of subjects. In the past month, 16.0 % of respondents deliberately consumed gluten containing food, as well as respondents who do not follow a gluten-free diet outside the home. Possible contamination of food outside the home does not worry 33.3 % of respondents, while 68.8 % of respondents state that accidental exposure to gluten is very important to them. |