Sažetak | U Hrvatskoj proizvodnja mlijeka i sira ima dugu tradiciju. Sir je prehrambeni proizvod dobiven
grušanjem mlijeka (sirutke, stepke, vrhnja ili njihove kombinacije) uz izdvajanje sirutke. Sir se
smatra jednim od osnovnih prehrambenih proizvoda. Postoji veliki broj različitih vrsta sireva,
na čiju razliku, a ujedno i okus utječu razne vrste bakterija i plijesni koje su korištene, različite
količine mliječne masti kao i razlike u dužini starenja i vrsti obrade samoga sira.
Sirevi se općenito dijele po vrsti mlijeka (npr.kravlji, kozji, ovčji), prema konzistenciji (meki,
tvrdi) i prema načinu koagulacije (slatki, kiseli). Sir se dobiva postepenim zagrijavanjem mlijeka
pri čemu tijekom fermentacije mliječni šećer prelazi u mliječnu kiselinu te zatim dolazi do
odvajanja kazeina od sirutke. Za poboljšanje i ubrzanje procesa sirenja mlijeku se dodaje sirište
koje u sebi ima različite enzime od kojih je renin, odnosno, kimozin najznačajniji za postupak
U završnom procesu sirenja, cijeđenjem se odvaja sirutka, dodaje se sol radi ukusa i ujedno i
zaustavljanja procesa. Sir se oblikuje stavljanjem u kalupe, a oblik i veličina kalupa ovisi od
proizvođača do proizvođača i po tome se obično i prepoznaju sorte sira. Sir u kalupu ostaje do
nekoliko sati, a zatim se ostavlja da zri. Pored soli, nekim se vrstama sira dodaju i drugi začini,
posebno mirišljave trave, kao i neke vrste voća i povrća. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In Croatia, production of milk and cheese has a long tradition. Cheese is a food product
obtained by coagulation of milk (whey, buttermilk, cream, or a combination thereof) with a
separation of whey. Cheese is considered one of basic foodstuffs. There are a number of
different types of cheeses, on whose difference, but also the taste affect various types of
bacteria and molds that were used, varying amounts of milk fat as well as differences in the
length of aging and the type of treatment cheese itself.
Cheeses are generally divided by the type of milk (cow's, goat, sheep), according to the
consistency (soft, hard) and by way of coagulation (sweet, sour). The cheese is obtained by
gradual heating of milk while during fermentation milk sugar turns into lactic acid and then
comes to the separation of casein from whey. To improve and accelerate the process of
curdling milk is added rennet which in itself has different enzymes of which renin,
respectively, chymosin most significant for the process of spreading.
In the final process of spreading, squeezing the whey separates, adds salt for flavor and also
the stopping process. The cheese is formed by placing the molds, and the shape and size of
the mold depends from manufacturer to manufacturer and it is usually recognized varieties
of cheese. Cheese remains in the mold to a few hours, and then allowed to ripen. In addition
to salt, some types of cheese are added and other spices, especially scented grasses, as well
as some fruits and vegetables. |