Title (croatian) | Dijetoterapija |
Author | Milena Lela Mandić |
Author's institution | Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek FACULTY OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Food Technology |
Abstract (croatian) | Udžbenik "Dijetoterapija" predstavlja originalno djelo koje će studentima, a i široj javnosti dati jasan, novi, na znanstvenim istraživanjima utemeljen uvid u dijetoterapiju i sva područja koja pokriva. Djelo obuhvaća sva značajna klinička stanja s kojima se svakodnevno susreću osobe koje su u direktnom kontaktu s osobama kojima je poseban način prehrane neophodan. Iz teksta ćete dobiti uvid u to koliko je doista dijetoterapija sveprisutna. Ona pokriva sve od održanja zdravstvenog stanja, poboljšanja istoga, ili kao potpora medikamentnoj terapiji i liječenju. Kada govorimo o dijetoterapiji najčešće mislimo na pacijente, bolesnike, odnosno osobe koje boluju od najrazličitijih bolesti i smješteni su u bolnicama. Važno je naglasiti, kako uz ovu najznačajniju i najkritičniju skupinu, dijetoterapija pokriva i ljude koji su na kućnoj njezi,
nalaze se u specijaliziranim institucijama (npr. domovi za stare i nemoćne), ili su pak zdravi ali zahtijevaju posebnu brigu zbog specifičnih fizioloških stanja koje je potrebno zadovoljiti (npr. nedonoščad, trudnice, žene u klimakteriju). Uzimajući u obzir veliki raspon pokrivenih područja, ovaj će materijal biti od velike koristi svima koji se ikada budu susretali sa zahtjevima dijetoterapije. Vjerojatno najveća značajka prezentiranih materijala leži u činjenici kako su sva obrađena područja vrlo detaljno obrađena prema zadnjih znanstvenim istraživanjima, a sve u svezi današnjeg načina života. Neka od ovih stanja (kardiovaskularne bolesti, karcinomi, dijabetes tipa 2, pretilost) predstavljaju glavne uzročnike smrtnosti, kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u svijetu. S druge su pak strane bolesti gastrointestinalnog sustava, bolesti bubrega, plućne bolesti, bolesti deficita te
bolesti povezane sa starenjem; stanja koja značajno utječu na same ishode primijenjene medicinske terapije, kao i kvalitetu života koja danas predstavlja primat u sve starijoj populaciji. |
Abstract (english) | The textbook "Dietotherapy" is an original work that will give students and the general public a clear, new, scientifically research-based insight into diet therapy and all the areas it covers. The work includes all significant clinical conditions that people who are in direct contact with people who need a special diet face every day. From the text, you will get an insight into how ubiquitous diet therapy really is. It covers everything from maintaining the state of health, improving it, or as support for medical therapy and treatment. When we talk about diet therapy, we usually mean patients, that is, people who suffer from various diseases and are placed in hospitals. It is important to emphasize that, in addition to this most significant and critical group, diet therapy also covers people who are in home care, are in specialized institutions (e.g. homes for the elderly and infirm), or are otherwise healthy but require special care due to specific physiological conditions that is necessary to satisfy (e.g. premature babies, pregnant women, women in menopause). Considering the wide range of areas covered, this material will be of great use to anyone who ever encounters the demands of diet therapy. Probably the greatest feature of the presented materials lies in the fact that all the areas covered are covered in great detail according to the latest scientific research, and everything is related to today's way of life. Some of these conditions (cardiovascular diseases, cancers, type 2 diabetes, obesity) represent the main causes of mortality, both in Croatia and in the world. On the other hand, there are diseases of the gastrointestinal system, kidney diseases, lung diseases, deficiency diseases and diseases related to aging; conditions that significantly affect the very outcomes of the applied medical therapy, as well as the quality of life, which today represents primacy in an increasingly aging population. |
Keywords (croatian) | |
Keywords (english) | |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Authored book-Scientific book-Textbook for higher education |
Publication status | Published |
Peer review | Peer review - domestic |
Publication version | Published version |
Pages | 178 |
ISBN | 978-953-7005-33-7 (e-izdanje) |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:109:129387 |
Online first | 2014 |
Type of resource | Text |
Publisher | Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Osijek |
Publishing place | Osijek |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use | ![]() |
Public note | Zahvaljujemo prof. dr. sc. na dopuštenju objavljivanja udžbenika "Dijetoterapija" u repozitoriju PTFOS |
Created on | 2024-05-23 06:36:31 |