Abstract | Soja se ubraja među najstarije kultivirane biljke u svijetu. Pradomovina soje je Istočna Azija gdje se uzgajala još unatrag 4000 godina, a do danas je postala vodeće uljna i bjelančevinasta kultura. Također, sojino zrno je glavna komponenta ishrane milijuna ljudi u svijetu. Biljka se može koristiti u razne svrhe i kod prerade može biti iskorištena 100 %. U posljednje vrijeme vrlo je popularna proizvodnja biodizelskog goriva. Gorivo proizvedeno na
ovaj način nije kancerogeno, manje zagađuje okoliš te ne sadrži sumporne spojeve. Predviđa se da će se takvo gorivo u budućnosti sve više koristiti. Organi biljke su: sjeme (zrno), korijen, kvržice (nodule), stabljika, list, cvijet, mahuna (plod) i dlake. Faze razvoja soje mogu se podijeliti na vegetativni stadij i reproduktivni stadij. Vegetativni stadij sastoji se od šest faza: VE, VC, V1, V2, V3-V5 i V6, dok se reproduktivni stadij sastoji od 8 faza: R1, R2, R3,
R4, R5, R6, R7, R8. |
Abstract (english) | The soya plant is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. The homeland of soya is East Asia where it is cultivated for 4000 years, and to this date has become a leading oil and protein crops. Also, the soybean is a major component of the diet of millions of people in the world. This plant can be used for various purposes and the processing can be utilized 100%.
Recently, the production of biodiesel is very popular. Fuel produced in this way is not carcinogen, pollution is less and does not contain sulfur compounds. It is anticipated that such fuel in the future will be used more and more. Organs of plants are: the seed (grain), roots, nodules, stem, leaf, flower, pods and hairs. Development stages of soybean can be divided on vegetative stage and reproductive stage. Vegetative stage consists of six phases: VE, VC, V1, V2, V3-V5 i V6, while the reproductive stage consists of eight stages: R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8. |