Abstract | Sir je nutritivno visokovrijedna namirnica dobivena iz mlijeka krava, ali i drugih sisavaca uključujući ovce, koze, bivolice, soba i deve. Danas u svijetu postoji više od 4000 poznatih i priznatih vrsta sireva. Razlikuju se po zemlji
podrijetla, vrsti mlijeka i proteina, vrsti životinje koja proizvodi to mlijeko, sadržaju mliječnih masti, količini vlage, teksturi, načinu proizvodnje, svježini, zrelosti, tvrdoći, načinu grušanja, sadržaju mliječne masti u suhoj tvari, građi tijesta, te sastavu. Na postojanje raznih vrsta sira utječu različiti načini proizvodnje sira, razvijeni u pojedinim zemljama i u pojedinim područjima tih zemalja, različite klimatske zone i pasmine mliječne stoke. Razmjerno male
promjene u postupcima tijekom procesa proizvodnje rezultiraju razlikama u proizvedenom siru. Sirevi se mogu podijeliti prema vrsti mlijeka, načinu grušanja mlijeka, udjelu masti u suhoj tvari sira, konzistenciji sira, zrenju sira, udjelu vode u siru, vrsti proteina, sličnom procesu proizvodnje i prema području ili mjestu proizvodnje (autohtoni sirevi). |
Abstract (english) | Cheese is a nutritious food produced from the milk of cows but also other mammals, including sheep, goats, bison, camels and rooms. Today in the world there are more than 4,000 known and recognized cheeses. They differ by country of origin, type of milk and protein, the type of animal that produces the milk, milk fat content, the amount of moisture, texture, method of manufacture, freshness, maturity, firmness, coagulation mode, the content of fat in the dry matter, the dough structure, composition etc. The existence of various types of cheese affect of different modes of cheese production, developed in some countries and in some areas of the country, different climate zones and breeds of dairy cattle. Relatively, small changes in the methods of the manufacturing process result in differences in the produced cheese. Cheeses can be divided according to the type of milk, milk coagulation type, the amount of fat in the dry matter of cheese, the consistency of cheese ripening, the amount of water in the cheese, the type of protein similar to the production process and to the area or place of manufacture (indigenous cheeses). |