Abstract | Zbog sve veće potrebe za proizvodnjom hrane, povećava se i količina nusproizvoda i biološkog otpada i zbog toga se zanimanje znanstvene zajednice usmjerava i prema valorizaciji nusproizvoda proizvodnje kave. Nakon proizvodnje i prerade kave zaostaje različiti nusproizvodi, kao što su usplođe ili kaskara, pulpa, srebrna kožica, talog, sluz, pergamentna ovojnica, nezrela i oštećena zrna kave. Pripremom napitka kave oko 90 % jestivih dijelova zrna se izdvaja kao nusproizvodi. Novija znanstvena istraživanja okrenuta su prema ispitivanju nusproizvoda prerade kave kako bi ih mogli iskoristiti u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj, kozmetičkoj i kemijskoj industriji, zbog njihovih bioaktivnih sastojaka i pozitivnih zdravstvenih učinaka. Također, daljnjom primjenom nusproizvoda želi se smanjiti kontaminaciju okoliša, koju izazivaju nusproizvodi prerade kave. U ovome radu prikazana su osnovna svojstva kave, dan je pregled faza nastanka nekih nusproizvoda kave, njihov sastav te mogućnosti daljnje prerade u proizvodnji novih funkcionalnih prehrambenih proizvoda. |
Abstract (english) | Due to the increasing need for food production, the amount of by-products and biological waste is also increasing, and therefore, the interest of the scientific comunity is directed towards the valorization of the by-products of coffee production. After the production and processing of coffee, various by-products remain, such as cascara, pulp, silver skin, sediment, mucilage, parchment, immature and damaged coffee beans. During the preparation of the coffee drink, about 90% of the edible parts of the beans are separated as by-products. Recent scientific research is focused on examining the by-products of coffee processing so that they can be used in the food industry, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries, due to their bioactive ingredients and positive health effects. Also, the further use of by-products aims to reduce the environmental contamination caused by the by-products of coffee processing. In this paper, the basic properties of coffee are presented, an overview of the stages of the formation of some coffee by-products, their composition and the possibilities of further processing in the production of new functional food products is given. |