
Sensory analysis of biscuits from einkorn flour, barley flour, einkorn flakes and wheat flour in different proportions and different sugars
Sensory analysis of biscuits from einkorn flour, barley flour, einkorn flakes and wheat flour in different proportions and different sugars
Nakov Gjore
Koceva Komlenić Daliborka
Ivanova Nastia
Damyanova Stanka
Godjevargova Tzonka
Šušak Ana
Starch characterization using spectrophotometry and direct potentiometry
Starch characterization using spectrophotometry and direct potentiometry
Sakač Nikola
Habschied Kristina
Karnaš Maja
Regušić Lidija
Slačanac Vedran
Statičko/anoksična konfiguracija procesa denitrificirajuće defosfatacije uz \(NO_{2}-N\) i \(NO_{3}-N\) kao akceptore elektrona
Statičko/anoksična konfiguracija procesa denitrificirajuće defosfatacije uz \(NO_{2}-N\) i \(NO_{3}-N\) kao akceptore elektrona
Mikac Ivan
Štefanac Tea
Grgas Dijana
Radman Sanja
Habuda-Stanić Mirna
Landeka Dragičević Tibela
Study on spent brewer's yeast hydrolysis by acid
Study on spent brewer's yeast hydrolysis by acid
Habschied Kristina
Krstanović Vinko
Šimunović Ivan
Tišma Marina
Slačanac Vedran
Velić Natalija
Survey of β-glucans in domestic barley's varieties
Survey of β-glucans in domestic barley's varieties
Lalić Alojzije
Šimić Gordana
Krstanović Vinko
Mastanjević Kristina
Textural and rheological characteristics of dough for cookies with chestnut flour
Textural and rheological characteristics of dough for cookies with chestnut flour
Maksimović J
Pajin Biljana
Šoronja Simović Dragana
Šubarić Drago
Babić Jurislav
Fišteš A
Texture profile analysis of artisanal Croatian ewe's hard cheeses
Texture profile analysis of artisanal Croatian ewe's hard cheeses
Slačanac Vedran
Hardi Jovica
Krstanović Vinko
Marketanović Željka
The importance of nutrition education for diabetics – type 1 versus type 2 diabetics
The importance of nutrition education for diabetics – type 1 versus type 2 diabetics
Pavlić Martina
Misir Andreja
Kajtar Darija
Banjari Ines
The innovative solutions and the development of a low-energy air dryer
The innovative solutions and the development of a low-energy air dryer
Budžaki Sandra
Leko Jozo
Predrijevac Krešimir
Leko Tomislav
Viszmeg Jožef
Jovanović Kristina
